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The Chymical Heaven Revealed — Coelum Reseratum Chymicum of J.G. Toeltius

English version
45,00 €

The Chymical Heaven Revealed - Coelum Reseratum Chymicum of the world-famous Philosopher J.G. Toeltius.

The Alchemical Process of the Fraternity of the Golden and Rosy Cross on the Four Reigns of the Nature

Deluxe Limited to 100 copies. Reliure, slice file and mark page. format 170 x 240 cm. 274 pages and illustrations.

I.S.B.N. : 979-10-92176-77-3

Alchemy of the Golden and Rosy-Cross (GuRC) of the 18th century. One of the few books of alchemy clearly describes the different ways and praxis that allow us to obtain the Philosophal Stone, as described in his title:


“The  Chymical Heaven Revealed. Or,  Philosophical  Treatise  in which it is sincerely revealed not only the Materias and the Manipulations from which the Philosopher’s Stone is prepared both in the Preliminary and Subsequent Works, but also how excellent and invaluable Tinctures and Medicines  are prepared out of all the four Kingdoms of Nature, that is, the Astral, Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms, both for health and for life maintenance, as well as to improvement and transmutation of imperfect Metals, with pictures designed for the Lovers of the True Hermetic Philosophy from a Connoisseur of the same”.


This book also includes comments of the German Rose-Croix Johann Carl von Frisau, member of the Gold and Rosy-Cross of Oldest System, adding key to practice in each chapter of the book.


The Legend said, “this text circulated for years, only in manuscript form within the Rosicrucian movement, and that the latter would have bought the manuscript for 6,000 Doublons, from a publisher who wanted to publish it”.



Contents of this Book:


- Foreword of this Edition.

- Introduction to Coelum Reseratum Chymicum, or the Chymical Heaven Revealed.

- Frontispiece.

- Notes on Translation.

- Preface from the 1736 edition.

- Catechism of the True Wisdom given by a F.R.C. according to the true original Coelum Reseratum Chymicum — Chymical Heaven Revealed.

- Dedicace.

- A Discourse to the Students of the Art.

- Preface of Toeltii.

• Part I. How making the Stone of the Wise on different ways out of Minerals and Metals.

- The First Chapter deals with how to prepare the Stone of the Wise Masters out of a true Antimony ore.

- The Second Chapter deals how to make the Stone out of this ore, together with Iron and Gold.

- The Third Chapter deals with how to prepare further the Stone out of this ore, together with Iron and Silver.

- The Fourth Chapter deals with how to produce further the Stone out of this ore, together with Gold or Silver.

- The Fifth Chapter also deals with how to elaborate the Stone and, at the same time, a great Medicine for men, either by this ore itself or added with Iron or Copper.

- The Sixth Chapter deals with how the Stone can be prepared out of this ore by itself.

- The Seventh Chapter deals with how to prepare a great Tincture out of this ore and Mercurio.

- The Eighth Chapter deals with how to make further a powerful Tincture out of this ore and Mercurio Sublimato.

- The Ninth Chapter deals with how to prepare even a strong Tincture out of this ore and a true ore of Hungarian Vitriol.

- The Tenth Chapter deals with how to make a Fulmen and Flowers out of Saltpeter and Sulfur, and how to produce a Tincture with them and an amalgam of Mercury and any kind of Metal, about which, at the same time, it is shown in the Remark how to obtain a strong Tincture out of Cyprian Vitriol and gray Sulfur ore.

- The Eleventh Chapter deals with how to elaborate a powerful Tincture for Metals and also a precious Medicine for men out of Hungarian Vitriol.

- The Twelfth Chapter deals with how one of the greatest Tinctures as much for Metals as also one of the supreme Medicines for men can be prepared out of this Hungarian Vitriol, according to another method.

- The Thirteenth Chapter deals with how to make further a strong Tincture out of this Hungarian Vitriol and crystalline Saltpeter.

- The Fourteenth Chapter deals with how to prepare the Water of the Fighters Basilii Valentini out of Vitriol, Saltpeter and Spiritu Vini and how to dra,, by means of a further procedure, the Purple Mantle of Gold which is useful for many of the following processes, and also how to make one of the greatest Medicines for men out of it.

- The Fifteenth Chapter deals with how to prepare one of the greatest Tinctures and Medicines for men and Metals out of this Basil Valentine´s Water of the Fighters and Antimony.

- The Sixteenth Chapter deals with how to make a great Tincture and Medicine out of Bismuth by means of a secret Menstruum.

- The Seventeenth Chapter also deals with how to make a great Tincture and Medicine for men and Metals out of Lead ore by means of this secret Menstruum.

- The Eighteenth Chapter deals with how to attain Tinctures through the vitrifications of the Metals.

- The Nineteenth Chapter deals with how to reduce the Metals into Vitriol and how to prepare Tinctures out of them, useful both for health of men and for transmutations of the Metals.

- The Twentieth Chapter deals with how to make a Tincture out of Mercurio Currentem.

- The Twenty-first Chapter deals with how to make a Tincture and excellent Medicine for men out of the gray Sulfur ore.

- The Twenty-second Chapter deals with how to make a powerful Tincture and Potable Gold out of a brown Earth that is found in those veins of Silver mines in the month of June, when the Moon is full and the Sun is in Cancer.

- The Twenty-third Chapter deals with how to produce a powerful Tincture out of the common living Mercurio by means of the Spiritus Saturni of the preceding Chapter, as well as for making the most beautiful Pearls and precious stones with this Liquor.

- The Twenty-forth Chapter deals with how to make a very great Tincture with the Universal Key of the 22nd Chapter and Martial or Venusian Regulus of Antimony.

- The Twenty-fifth Chapter deals with how an incomparable Tincture for Metals can be made out of another viscous Materia, which is like a tough resin on a tree and red as a Ruby and that is found in Salzburg near the Baths of Gastiner, called to Red Walls, which is in no way inferior to the Stone, but it is at the same time an invaluable Medicine for the human body.

- The Twenty-sixth Chapter deals with how to produce the same Tincture out of another yellow viscous Earth.

- The Twenty-seventh Chapter deals with how to prepare a powerful Tincture out of the red Gold ore.

- The Twenty-eighth Chapter deals with how to attain a very great Tincture through the violent path of the Wise men, called Via per Saxa et Ignes, or through the vitrification of the Hungarian Antimony.

- The Twenty-ninth Chapter deals with how to prepare the Fire of the Ancients out of Pebbles and how to use it.

- The Thirtieth Chapter deals with how to produce the Red and White Flowers by the ancient Dry Way, that is, the latter out of Hungarian Vitriol, Sea Salt or Saltpeter, but the Red one out of Hungarian Antimony, Orpiment and red crystalline Sulfur, and finally making them into a powerful Tincture for Metals.


• Part II. How much Stones are there in the Vegetable Kingdom?

- The Thirty-first Chapter deals with how to produce Stones and Tinctures out of the Vegetable Kingdom, the first of them out of Wine.

- The Thirty-second Chapter deals with how to make a Tincture for men and Metals out of shining chimney Soot and fresh Oak wood chips.

- The Thirty-third Chapter deals with how to make a Tincture or Liquor out of herbs, namely, out of Chelidony, which is very useful both for Metals and for human health.

• Part III. How to make the Stone out of the Animal Kingdom, such as Adam brought the Stone out of Paradise.

- The Thirty-fourth Chapter deals with how to prepare Stones and Tinctures out of different Subjects of the Animal Kingdom, as well as for Medicine for men as for Metals, the first of them out of Blood.

- The Thirty-fifth Chapter deals with how to elaborate a Tincture out of human Sweat.

- The Thirty-sixth Chapter deals with how to prepare a not inferior Universal Key and Tincture out of Saliva.

- The Thirty-seventh Chapter deals with how to produce a great Tincture, useful both for Medicine for men and for transmutation of the Metals.

- The Thirty-eighth Chapter deals with a short method for making a Tincture out of this same Subjecto and Spiritu Vini.

- The Thirty-ninth Chapter deals with how to prepare a Tincture out of Feces, useful both for Medicine for men and also for improvement of the Metals.

- The Fortieth Chapter deals with how to prepare a Tincture out of Hair and Nails, both from men and animals.

• Part IV. Now it follows the Chaotic Works being Matters full of Wonders.

- The Forty-first Chapter deals with how to prepare the Philosopher´s Stone, as well as great Tinctures out of different Subjects of the Astral Kingdom, the first of them out of upper and lower things, whereby, at the same time, it will be taught how to obtain them and by means of its further preparation an inestimable Tincture is obtained, both for the human body and for refinement of the Metals.

- The Forty-second Chapter deals with how to prepare further a Tincture out of the Astral by means of the Fire Stone.

- The Forty-third Chapter deals with how to produce a great Tincture out of May Dew and a fat Earth, useful both for men and Metals.

- The Forty-fourth Chapter likewise deals with how to make a Stone out of Rain or Thunder Water useful for other things.

- The Forty-fifth Chapter deals with how to prepare the highest Tincture for men and Metals from the Slime of the World or Astral Sperm, which is called by the common man a misused Shooting Star.

In this Chapter a Note has been attached in which is taught how to make a Tincture out of Vitriol.

In like manner, how to make the Stone out of Salt of Tartar.

- The Forty-sixth Chapter deals with how to obtain a great Tincture for men and Metals out of the Slime of the World through another method.

- The Forty-seventh Chapter deals with how to obtain a Tincture out of May Dew and Rock Salt.

- The Forty-eighth Chapter deals with how to attain a Tincture out of Common Salt from Halle and its Spirit.

- The Forty-ninth Chapter deals with preparing a Universal Key, Tincture and great Medicine out of Quicklime and Tartar Salt.

- The Fiftieth Chapter deals with how to prepare a great Menstruum and powerful Tincture out of Sputo Lunae or Spit of the Moon.

- The Fifty-first Chapter deals with how to elaborate a noble Tincture out of common Mercurio Currentem.

- The Fifty-second Chapter deals with how to make a Universal Key and Tincture out of Sal Ammoniac and Quicklime.

- The Fifty-third Chapter deals with how to prepare the Cold Fire of the Wise Men out of Saltpeter and Quicklime and a Tincture out of this Fire.

How to make good Crucible with two Compositions.

- The Fifty-fourth Chapter deals with how to attain a Spirit out of Calce Viva as well as a Tincture.

Now, it follows three Athanors or Secret Furnace, one after the other, and how they are to be used, as well as the Conclusion of this Book.

- This section is followed by the Secret Keys which restore anything that is still missing in the Chapters and their Remarks, comments that Mr. von Frisau attached from page 37 to page 244 partly to explain them even more clearly, and partly out of special affection for the Sons of the Art.